Project Description


BASIC LEVEL – 1.10. Digital Adventures Programme

What will you learn?

The lecturer will lead you through the basic principles and history of Blockchain. The student will learn more about cryptocurrencies, the legislation around the world and their fraudulent use.

In addition, the student will learn how Blockchain has promising applications in different industries, specifically in Telecommunications and Roaming.

The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of Blockchain technology, its history, and its exponential growth in different industries.

This module will provide a fundamental understanding of Blockchain which will be built further as this course progresses.

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The purpose of this module is to go in-depth into one of the current biggest uses of blockchain technology: Cryptocurrency. We will start off with a discussion of money and transactions. Then, we will dive deeper into the world of Cryptocurrency and how it came about.

This module is dedicated to forming an understanding of Cryptocurrency and its development.

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The purpose of this module is to discuss the economics behind cryptocurrencies and their significance. We will start off by looking at the financial crisis of 2008 and the emergence of Bitcoin. We will further dive into the economics behind cryptocurrencies and their effects.

This module is targeted towards developing a better understanding of cryptocurrencies.

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The purpose of this module is to discuss the determinants of cryptocurrency. Earlier we introduced the basics of supply and demand of cryptocurrency. Now, we will further investigate the determinants of Bitcoin and how they are different from the determinants of traditional currencies. Further, we will look at two examples of Dogecoin and Ethereum.

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In this module, we will study the security and regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies in the world. We will discuss the issues and concerns regarding cryptocurrency’s use and why there is a need for regulation. Then, we will study the regulations in different countries around the world. Lastly, we will look at two case studies that demonstrate the need for added measures.

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In this module, we will investigate Blockchain, more specifically, blockchain in telecom. We will introduce you to the telecommunications sector and demonstrate the growing importance of Blockchain in the industry.

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In this module, we go deeper into understanding the value of using blockchain technology in the telecommunications sector. We will first look at roaming and how blockchain can revolutionize it. Then, we will learn more about roaming partnerships and the telecom industry in general to understand the need for change.

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In this module, we interview experts on the future of cryptocurrencies, the Blockchain and their future application in telecommunications and Roaming.

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Who is this course for?

  • Professionals interested in learning about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies from scratch and getting basic information about it.
  • Companies who want to give their employees additional training about Blockchain and its applications.
  • Telecoms, Roaming and Interconnect professionals looking for training about Blockchain and its application in these fields.

Why choose this course?

By the end of the course, students will know:

  • The theoretical background and history of Blockchain.
  • The exponential growth of Blockchain in different industries.
  • One of the current biggest uses of blockchain technology: Cryptocurrency.
  • The importance of the economics behind cryptocurrencies and their effects.
  • The basic characteristics of Bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies.
  • Cryptocurrency regulations in different countries around the world
  • The role of Telecoms, Roaming and Interconnect in this field.
  • Applications of Blockchain in Roaming and Interconnect.
  • The experts’ opinion about the future of Blockchain.
Dhiraj Wazir
Dhiraj is the CEO of ROCCO Strategy and one of the few subject matter experts in the Telecommunications field of Roaming & Interconnect. Dhiraj has spent over 20 years working on Roaming Wholesale, Product Management and Retail Propositions. Dhiraj has had a broad remit, building his telecom career with the Hutchison group, T-Mobile, EE and BT before joining ROCCO.
Dhiraj Wazir

Martín is an experienced Trainer for Customer Experience & Employee Experience, Leadership Corporate models, Communication and Sales.

With over twenty years of experience within Talent Development environment whether in consulting firms, multinationals (as interim HRBP), designing and implementing training and development programmes, coaching Board Members, working with the middle management or working with field force staff or acting as an agent of change for Transformation Processes.

His differential factor is redesigning traditional training from the mere transfer of theory and knowledge to a process of learning by doing, practice and repetition.



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